23 because I am 23
1. I detest running more than anyone I know. Except for, maybe, Taren. But she doesn't hate it more than I do. We would just be equal in our hate for running.
2. I know the blind industry inside and out.
3. My chilli has to have lots and lots and lots of sugar in it. It's almost candied Chilli. I love it.
4. Brian Littrel from The Backstreet Boys is my all time favorite celebrity.
5. I love Disney Channel more than your 5 year old daughter. In my eyes, everything that Disney touches turns to gold.
6. I am the worst letter writer in the world. Don't move somewhere far away and expect me to send you letters. I'll write them but I'll never send them. (Sorry Drew and Ciara)
7. All time favorite TV show: The OC. (Still!!!)
8. I think that Devin has the best smile in the world! Seriously!
9. I have really small fingers. Most of my rings have to be bought in the kids section of jewelery stores.
10. I sobbed loudly during Million Dollar Baby. People in rows in front of me in the theater were looking back to make sure I was okay.
11. I'm going to marry my home teacher on June 19th, 2009
12. I hate being warm/hot at night. I can't sleep if the temperature is above 72 degrees. This stinks because my roommates refuse to turn on the AC ever!
13. I really liked Jr. High
14. My third grade teacher, Miss Meservey, was my favorite teacher. But she was also the only teacher who ever gave me detention! (twice!!)
15. I was a the manager of our school store when I was in 6th grade! I began the "Troll Sensation" at Highland Elementary.
16. I love pomegranites.
17. I have an amazing talent for the mario games on the regular nintendo! Old school!
18. Little Women is one of my favorite books. This list also includes: Enders Game and Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, The Book of Mormom by various Prophets, any books about the Tudor era and Henry VIII and The Only Road North by Erik Mirandette. I love so many books I can't even begin to list all of my favorites!
19. I hate popular music (for the most part). There are a few exceptions to this though: Hannah Montana, High School Musical and The Jonas Brothers.
20. I hate winter and I am obsessed with summer.
21. I don't like girly nail polish. When I paint my nails I like them to be either black, dark blue or dark purple.
22. Marissa Cooper (The O.C.) is my fashion icon.
23. I am soooo happy!!!