Tuesday, June 1, 2010

six months later...

i like to think i am a productive person and i know for a fact that devin is a very productive person. so that is why this last month has me quite baffled. our days have consisted on going to work, me going to a few classes and then hours upon hours of watching the most addictive tv show on tv.

we started on the second season about a month ago and are now halfway through the 5th season. i can't believe that the very last 24 aired last monday. i can't imagine a world where jack bauer and ctu aren't alive and saving the world.

i really think that if jack bauer and chuck norris got in a fight, jack would win. guns trump a round house kick. always.

'nother cool fact - desmond, from lost, is in the 5th season of 24. i <3 desmond.


devin graduated from byu a month ago with a bachelors degree in biology! i am super proud of him!

we also moved to a new apartment in Orem. i love it! we now are the proud owners (well, renters) of a dishwasher, washer and dryer! we're in heaven!

that's our life as of now! it's wonderful.


Ashley said...

I about fell off my chair when I saw that you updated your blog.

24 is the best! I love Jack, and I'm a little bit sad that I'm not going to get to hang out with him every Monday night anymore. Enjoy your last few seasons!

sarah said...

um hello.

thank you for returning to blog land.

please never leave again.

Taren said...

what sarah said.