Monday, November 24, 2008


High School Tag:

1. Did you date someone from your school? Jason??
2. What kind of car did you drive? My first car was a Nissan Stanza and then I had my first Honda Civic
3. What was the most embarrassing moment of high school? Haha, I'm sure I had many :o) Doing embarrassing things is the story of my life.
4. Were you a party animal? Nope not at all.
5. Were you considered a flirt? Not when I had a boyfriend... which was about 75% of high school.
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Choir
7. Were you a nerd? Soooo wasn't. Even though looking back I wish I had been.
8. Did you get suspended/ expelled? No...I may have been close though
9. Can you still sing the fight song? "Charge on into the fight, brave valiant Lone Peak Knights..." If I really thought about it I could probably still do the cheer with it too.
10. Who were your favorite teachers? Brems and Phillips
11. Where did you sit during lunch? Usually left for lunch
12. What was your school's full name? Lone Peak High School
13. School mascot? a Knight
14. Did you go to Homecoming and who with? which year? Sophomore year: Todd. Junior year: Andrew. Senior year: Jason.
15. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Some days I totally think I would
16. What do you remember most about graduation? Trying not to trip as I walked across the Marriott Center... I was in high heels (gasp, I know, I never wear those things.) And how freaking long it was.
17. Where did you go senior skip day? Lagoon. That's where we all went.
18. Were you in a club? Um, I think I may have signed up for the Harry Potter club because my friend was doing it... but that's all I ever did with it was sign up. Haha
19. Have you gained some weight since then? Yep :(
20. Who was your prom date? Sophomore year: Daniel. Junior and Senior year: Jason.
21. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Probably.. because my friend will be planning it.
22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? Boys stink!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

to be quite honest...i think i just lost 10 iq points. Thanks!!