Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 Recapped :)

Two days until 2009! I am feeling the need to recap my life for the last year. Be excited!

January - Blah
February - More of Blah
March - Ew
April - Skipping finals week to go to Zions with my family. Not something I would recommend for most serious students but I just had to get away.

Angels Landing. Scariest hike I have ever been on. Having a 3,000 foot cliff be right next to you while holding onto a chain, climbing and making sure that my 9 year old sister and 12 year old brother were safe... so much fun!!

May - Long boarding and more long boarding. Granted my board was the slowest thing to ever grace Provo Canyon but I still loved it. Also, being an extra on HSM 3 and getting to see Zac Efron in person. Wowzers.

Taren and I on the set of HSM 3. Yes that is Corbin and Zac in the background.

June - New York, Boston, Salem, Wicked, awesome outfits (pink and purple tights, crazy tube socks and bright colors), Times Square, Haunting Tour in a thunder storm, Empire State Building, Shopping in China Town, back rooms and Maine.

Casco ME, CLS, Animal Game, Ha, Bob the Weasel, "How to Live a Better Life", Whippoorwills, Wal Mart, Thatchers, sleeping in a hotel while while the rest of the counselors slept in a field and got drunk, Hannah Montana Superhero at a slumber party, accidentally kissing Mush, The Hole and my first session campers :)

July - Spirit Day, Blue Sharks, Bye Bye Birdie, The Spot, sleeping in Jo's car (every twenty minutes... "Why are we here????" in a whiny voice), Old Orchard Beach, knock off Louise Vuitton watch, S'mores, Pontoon Boats, Departure Day, Doves, EED, CCP, Twilight (not the book!), Kaylie and Kaitlin and rain!

August- Boston Red Socks, wandering around Boston by myself, first time on a subway by myself, being ready to go home, being sick for a week straight, Thanksgiving dinner... again, syrup on everything, Booth Bay Harbor, whale watching, a little unknown beach, almost getting stranded a half a mile out in the Atlantic Ocean, Chinese Restaurant, second session campers, more rain and finally going home!

September - My first month back in 'real life', working in the Sandy Office, my 23rd birthday, Taren leaving for Russia, Scott, guitar lessons, floating down the Provo River, BYU football, moving into Glenwood with Steph, making a Hannah Montana music video, tumbling at All American, the big 'dance party' in Reams parking lot with Sarah, Sarah and I trying to go on a 'diet' and failing miserably and Devin kissing me.

My family at the Cheesecake Factory on my birthday

October - Me trying to convince myself and others that I didn't want a boyfriend, more BYU football, working in the Orem Office with Steph, HSM 3, Going to Logan and seeing Heather, getting a flu shot, Disney Land, riding around Disney Land in a wheel chair, texting Devin, watching Sleeping Beauty and Mulan, finally telling Devin that we could date and being an awesome vampire for Halloween.

November - Mooooore BYU football, being really happy, babysitting my siblings for ten days while my parents were in Hawaii, swimming at the AF Rec, Frosty's, Nancy Drew, a real Thanksgiving dinner, going to Salina and meeting Devins' grandparents and Twilight coming out into theaters and sucking bad.

December - Making sugar cookies and macaroni and cheese, Vegas Bowl, going to Temple Square twice, Spaghetti Factory (also twice), Blindman Christmas Party, snow, going to the gym with Sarah and Steph, working... lots, signing up for 2009 classes, reading HP 1 again, Christmas, being sick on Christmas, getting the best gifts ever, going to see Marley and Me (so good), Uncle DeVere coming up from CA, being a Shepard in our family nativity, Brick Oven and being excited for 2009!


Jonathan and Janessa said...

Looks like you had a fun year:-) Hopefully 2009 treats you the same.

Anonymous said...

what a fun thing to do... don't be surprised if you see that on our blog tomorrow ;0). HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Jessica said...

I also used this on our blog. I hope you don't mind. I didn't know you wre in high school musical 3. That's cool. I haven't seen them but have heard good things about them. I hope you have a great year.

sarah said...

Meg you are so dang cute. I'm glad I made it onto your 2008 year re-cap. Let's do it again this year, deal? Starting tonight.... come play!

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.